Not even the black stone barricade would hold her back, It just served as a beautiful backdrop to her surrounding
Arch of the covenant By Misha G.I
Intricately interwoven in the oven of my mama, I emerge a mummy; my spirit lies in a comma.
The Battle Within By Labak Janet
I wonder how in death leaves look prettier and free, In contrast to the living leafy dark green and stuck
The Woods By Auma Rita
I wonder how in death leaves look prettier and free, In contrast to the living leafy dark green and stuck
Fort and Beautiful By Tuape Ernest
He isn’t with her today. She’s alone in the woods.
Free Copper Beauty By Joanita Drazuru
I wonder how in death leaves look prettier and free, In contrast to the living leafy dark green and stuck
Magic Malaika By Paul Mukama
“Do you believe in magic?” These words echoed in Malaika’s head. Only that this echo didn’t ebb away into nothingness.
Lost Spaces By Mable Amuron
A world that can’t be seen,
A space that can’t be lived.
Changes By ChampionEmmie
The weight of her pain fell off, She turns the other cheek.
Surrendered By Kizza Racheal
The weight of her pain fell off, She turns the other cheek.