Written by Gloria Nanfuka
Image: Ninnojackjr

It’s silly, I know but I wonder if you’re okay. You have been so quiet of late. It’s not strange that you’re quiet. You are quiet a lot of times. I want to say perhaps texts are not your thing but even when you’re sitting across the table from me, you’re quiet.
I want to ask how you’re dealing with staying alone during a lockdown? I know a lot of your work requires movement so this is like forced rest for you. I want to know what you’re doing with it. I know what you’re doing with it. I saw it on Facebook the other day. I wish I knew because you told me not because , you know, you posted it.
A lot of people advise against this but I wonder sometimes. I revisit moments and conversations from months ago, from when you actually talked to me and I wonder. Were my jokes that unfunny? Was my conversation not stimulating enough? Do you feel bothered by me?
It’s quiet here. I’m getting the hang of this work from home thing. I have one of those Instagram worthy work stations. I took pictures. I wanted to show you the day I set it up but then I went to the chat and realised you had seen and not responded to my last three messages two weeks ago.
Sometimes I want to pretend that I am convinced that you’re not fine so that I do that thing we never do, call you. Then you post a picture with a long caption about how you’re spending your time and sigh…
I wish you enjoyed my company as much as I enjoy yours, even if it’s over ones and zeros.
I wake up hoping each day is the day it won’t bother me so much. I go to bed praying that perhaps in my dreams I shall get an explanation. I want to hear your thoughts on our “new normal”. I want to know if you’re worried about the future as a small business owner. I want to know if you have watched Extraction yet. It seems like everyone has.
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I wish you enjoyed my company as much as I enjoy yours, even if it’s over ones and zeros.
Gloria Nanfuka
This writing is part of my collaboration with various writers, to use images as writing prompts to generate creative and thoughtful pieces of work. view more here
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