Written by Joyful Joy
Image: Ninnojackjr

So he climbed up here to clear his mind
To drink in the serenity of the blue skies above
He needed to escape from the suffocating safety of his home
He had been indoors for a week
And had made acquaintance with all the roaches and rodents in his household.
This Corona Virus pandemic came like a thief in the night
But he won’t let it steal his peace
So he chose to keep a distance from anything social
Yes, even if that meant standing this high to say hello to the neighbor just a stone throw away from him
Just that instant a truck came into his vicinity
Would they bless him with a few kilos of this and that?
His pantry was barely stocked
From his vantage point above, he hoped on the fellow humans below
Above him, the blue expanse withheld secrets of provision that he only needed to seek out
And the Provider would meet his needs, right there on his lofty balcony.

And the Provider would meet his needs, right there on his lofty balcony.
Joyful Joy
This writing is part of my collaboration with various writers, to use images as writing prompts to generate creative and thoughtful pieces of work. view more here
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